The overall aim of this service is to provide Citizens with a one stop information point at which they can search for information and advice. Users can also download paperwork and forms and find relevant information on the services provided by the Town Hall. The main activities are informing and advising citizens on the following points.
1. General information
2. Registering of applications, documents and notifications on line
3. Advice and support
4. Registering at the Ayuntamiento
The regional administrative registrar requires all inhabitants living in the region to register at their local Ayuntameinto. This data serves as proof of residence. That Spanish Law states it is mandatory for all Citizens to register their place of residence.
There is no charge to register and the procedure is simple and easy. By registering it confirms the address and status of the inhabitant, and allows them access to their civic rights, benefits and duties. It also serves to prove the amount of time they spend in Spain.
Documentation to be submitted:
- Spanish ID Number (NIE)
- Passport
- Rental agreement or property deeds on which the name of the titleholder appears
Subject to certain criteria the register enables citizens to:
- Enrol their children in state schools.
- Receive benefits and social allowances.
- Access other regional public services and programs.
- Regulate their status: residency and work permit.
- Apply for their healthcare card.
It is mandatory for foreign residents who do not have a permanent residence permit in this country to register every two years. Inhabitants with a permanent residency permit will only have to confirm their residency status every two years.
5. Certified documents
6. One-stop shop
This service registers and processes documentation for the Spanish Canarian Government and General Administration. The aim is to provide support, reduce time-scales and make the process easier for individuals to complete and file all necessary formal procedures for permits, accreditations, resources and services. The overall objective is to simplify procedures and provide a service that is productive rather than preventive and encourages links unlike other administrations that have complex systems.